Friday, May 26, 2006

Chihuly night

Went to see the Chihuly exhibit at the Missouri Botanical Garden last night. What an amazing sight to see! My very favorite part was the golden glass "crown" on the rose garden trellis, but I couldn't get a good shot of it due to the crowd of people. I'll try to get back to shoot it again when it's not so crowded. The floating glass pieces in the reflection ponds reminded me of colorful Hershey kisses. So beautiful, even though they weren't filled with chocolate.


Christi said...

I finally got a chance to look at these photos on my laptop so that I can actually see them...they are GORGEOUS!!!

Julia Sandvoss said...

Hey lady..I've missed you..I need to get back into your blog as a daily goodie. Love your pics and comments! Shaw's looks amazing!!!!! Love your pics!

Rita said...

How gorgeous Pam! Sounds like a great exhibit!

Gayla said...

Wow, these are gorgeous pics Pam. I really need to catch this exhibit somewhere someday