Monday, February 22, 2010

Stress Relief

There is nothing as calming as strolling down the
paths of Paris while the orchids are in bloom
(even if it is a "mock Paris" at the Botanical Garden).

Come and take a look at what Deb & I saw on
our mission to de-stress last week.

Did you think there were so many types, colors,
shades, and shapes of this lovely flower?

One was more beautiful and unique
than the other.

We even got to see one of our favorites
in the stages of bloom.

The RX for stress-relief worked.
We both walked out happy from our little journey,
each of us bringing home our own potted orchid
to remind us of the beauty we saw today.


JoLyn said...

Such beautiful flowers--and I love how you have "arranged" them. It's flower therapy!

LimBenSu said...

You could have zoomed in from far & made the background blurry...The subject matter will be the focus...Nice subject.